Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Keeping up my distance.

"I will make sure to keep my distance, saying I Love You when you're not listening" ♥

Distance by Christina Perri feat Jason Mraz
Some song, will keep speaking from your heart. Lyrics are madly from the soul even how much you tried hard by being in denial. What spoken and what inside you only you and Allah knows it. Behind every smile, there's thousand of unspoken thoughts keeping behind. Life may turn into wrong directions sometimes by our own choices, but keep believing because if you never forget Allah, He will always remember you. It never made to be easy, but it never create to hard enough till you can't find the right path of it. Keep praying for the best, keep doing the right thing, learn from mistake, never ever giving up halfway on good thing, believe in your capability, challenge yourself for better but never ever forget no matter how hard we try, Allah will always be the best planner. So whatever good happen it comes from Allah, but whatever bad it comes from us and it's a sign He want us to get closer to Him, Insyallah. 

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

I won't give up.

"If we love someone don't tell that person but tell Allah because eventually Allah know's the best and only Allah knows who really deserve your heart"

"with Allah you will never feel lonely and with Allah also He will help you to find the right match for your soul. Be patient young heart your time will come"

Do not love the one who doesn't love Allah, if they can leave Allah they will leave you. (Imam Shafee'i)

"Dan di antara manusia ada orang-orang yang menyembah tandingan-tandingan selain Allah; mereka mencintainya sebagaimana mereka mencintai Allah. Adapun orang-orang yang beriman sangat cinta kepada Allah." 
( Al Baqarah ayat 165 )

I won't give up by Jason Mraz

"I won't give up on us, even if the skies get rough, I'm giving all my love"- Jason Mraz

Friday, 1 June 2012

Mengapa doa tidak makbul

Agama Islam menyuruh penganutnya supaya selalu bermohon kepada Allah swt. Setiap doa yang terbit dari hati yang tulus ikhlas akan diperkenankan oleh Allah Yang Maha Pemurah.

Allah berfirman dalam surah al-Baqarah ayat 186 yang bermaksud:
Dan apabila hamba-hambaKu bertanya kepadamu tentang aku (Allah) maka (jawablah) bahawa aku ini hampir. Aku memperkenankan doa orang yang memohon apabila dia (sungguh-sungguh) bermohon kepadaKu. Maka hendaklah mereka itu memenuhi (segala perintah)Ku dan hendaklah mereka beriman kepadaKu, semoga mereka selalu mendapat panduan yang baik .

Ramai manusia mengeluh bahawa doanya masih belum diperkenankan Tuhan. Setiap pagi dan malam dia menadahkan tangan bermohon kepada Allah tetapi apa yang dimintanya tidak kunjung tiba.

Timbul pertanyaan di dalam hatinya : Kenapakah permohonannya itu masih belum dikabulkan Tuhan? Jarang orang yang berusaha untuk melakukan penelitian apakah sebab-sebabnya.

Pada hakikatnya sebab-sebabnya itu banyak terletak pada diri si pemohon itu sendiri. Kerana salah satu syarat yang penting untuk mendapat pengkabulan doa dari Ilahi haruslah doa itu disertai denagn hati yang khusyuk, bukan berdoa hanya di mulut sahaja. Tidak ada ertinya mulut yang kumat kamit sehingga kering tekak tetapi hati menerawang ke alam lain, jiwa tidak khusyuk mengadap Ilahi.

Dalam salah satu hadis dijelaskan bagaimana sifat dan bentuk doa yang diperkenankan Allah.
Sabda Rasulullah saw yang bermaksud : Apabila kamu meminta kepada Allah bermohonlah dalam keadaan kamu yakin sepenuhnya akan dikabulkan Tuhan. Allah tidak memperkenankan doa seorang hamba yang hatinya lalai.

Dari hadis tersebut, ditegaskan oleh Rasulullah saw supaya setiap orang yang berdoa harus yakin bahawa doanya akan diperkenankan Tuhan sama ada segera atau lambat. Yakin itu akan timbul apabila seluruh jiwa dan raga dipusatkan mengadap Ilahi.

Salah seorang ulama sufi yang terkemuka iaitu Ibrahim Bin Adham yang hidup pada abad kelapan, pernah memberikan huraian tentang sebab-sebab doa seseorang tidak diperkenankan Tuhan. Tatkala berkunjung ke Basrah, beliau menerima pertanyaan dari sebahagian penduduk : Kenapakah nasib kami masih belum berubah, pada hal kami selalu berdoa, sedangkan Allah menjanjikan dalam al-Quran akan memperkenankan doa setiap orang yang bermohon? Ibrahim Bin Adham memberikan jawapan bahawa sebab-sebabnya ada 10 macam, iaitu:

Yang pertama : Kamu tidak menunaikan hak-hak Allah. Kamu kenal Allah tetapi tidak memenuhi hak-haknya. Hak Allah swt yang paling utama ialah untuk disembah. Setiap orang wajib mensyukuri nikmat yang dilimpahkan Allah kepadanya dengan jalan menyembahnya dengan sebenar-benar erti ibadah.Bagaimanakah Tuhan akan memperkenankan doa seseorang hamba kalau Tuhan mengatakan supaya dia berjalan ke kanan tapi masih ditempuhnya jalan ke kiri.

Kedua : Kamu tidak mengamalkan isi al-Quran. Kamu senantiasa membaca al-Quran tapi tidak kamu amalkan isi-isinya. Kitab Suci al-Quran senantiasa dibaca, dilagukan dengan bermacam-macam lagu tetapi isinya tidak dipelajari dan dihayati. Kalau pun ada satu dua ayat yang dapat difahamkan tidak pula diamalkan bahkan kadang-kadang sengaja dilanggar.

Ketiga : Kamu tidak mengamalkan sunnah Rasulullah saw. Kamu selalu mendakwa cinta kepada Rasulullah saw tapi kamu tinggalkan sunnahnya. Rasulullah saw menunjukkan jalan yang lurus tapi tidak sedikit manusia yang memilih jalan yang bengkok. Kadang-kadang ada juga yang katanya mengikuti Sunnah Rasul tapi apa yang dikerjakannya itu bertentangan dengan apa yang dilakukan atau digariskan oleh Rasulullah saw, masih lagi mengikuti perkara-perkara khurafat yang bukan dari al-Quran atau as-Sunnah yang sahih.

Keempat : Kamu patuh kepada syaitan. Kamu sentiasa menyatakan bermusuh dengan syaitan tapi kamu patuhi dia. Syaitan itu adalah musuh manusia yang selalu berusaha menjatuhkan anak Adam ke lembah kehinaan dengan jalan mempengarohi nafsu manusia yang jelik. Dalam pergaulan hidup sehari-hari kebanyakkan manusia berlutut kepada syaitan dengan memperturutkan hawa nafsu yang buruk. Seharusnya manusialah yang menguasai nafsunya dan dengan sikapnya itu dia akan berjaya mengalahkan godaan syaitan.

Kelima : Kamu menerjunkan diri sendiri ke jurang kebinasaan. Kamu selalu berdoa supaya terhindar dari api neraka tapi kamu limparkan dirimu sendiri ke dalamnya. Iaitu kebanyakkan manusia ingin memasuki pintu kebahgiaan tapi sebaliknya dia sendiri seolah-olah mengunci pintu itu. Dia tidak mahu mengerjakan kebajikan tapi selalu bergelumang dengan perbuatan dosa dan maksiat.

Keenam : Ingin masuk Syurga tapi tidak beramal. Iaitu kamu berdoa untuk masuk Syurga tapi kamu sendiri tidak beramal untuknya.

Ketujuh : Sedar akan mati tapi tidak bersiap-siap untuk menghadapinya. Kamu mengatakan bahawa kematian itu pasti datang tapi tidak pula mempersiapkan diri menghadapinya. Kamu mengakui dan insaf bahawa hidup di dunia ini hanya sementara sahaja sedangkan hidup yang abadi ialah di akhirat kelak, namun demikian kamu tidak mengerjakan amal saleh yang akan menjadi anak kunci membuka pintu kehidupan yang abadi itu.

Kelapan : Kamu melihat cacat orang lain, cacat sendiri tidak nampak. Kamu sibuk memikirkan dan mengurus aib saudara-sudaramu, tapi kamu tidak melihat aib kamu sendiri . Orang yang demikian selalu menuding jari kepada orang lain tapi amat jarang menghadapkan telunjuknya ke dadanya sendiri.

Kesembilan : Kamu mengecap nikmat tetapi tidak bersyukur. Kamu makan nikmat Ilahi tapi kamu tidak bersyukur atas kurnia itu. Sejak kecil manusia menikmati nikmat Ilahi dan beratus-ratus kurniaan yang lainnya tapi tidak berterima kasih, malah kadang-kadang membangkang menunjukkan sikap bongkak dan lupa daratan.

Kesepuluh : Kamu menguburkan jenazah tapi tidak menginsafkan diri. Kamu turut menguburkan orang yang mati tapi kamu sendiri tidak mengambil iktibar dari peristiwa itu. Iaitu kalau ada orang yang meninggal dunia kamu selalu tidak ketinggalan turut menghantar jenazah itu sampai ke kubur, tapi malang sekali jarang kamu mengambil pelajaran dari kejadian itu, bahawa apabila hari ini kita turut menghantar orang ke kubur, mungkin esok lusa kita sendiri akan dihantar orang.

Demikianlah sepuluh sebab doa seseorang tidak diperkenankan Allah menurut butir-butir hikmah Ibrahim bin Adham. Ini seharusnya mengetuk pintu hati setiap mukmin untuk membuat penilaian dan mengenal diri sendiri. Moga-moga Allah menjadikan kita orang-orang mukmin yang melaksanakan kewajipan-kewajipan kita dengan ikhlas dan yakin.


Monday, 28 May 2012

Aku terima nikahnya.

Ya Allah,
Jika aku jatuh cinta
Cintakanlah aku pada seseorang yang melabuhkan cintanya padaMu
Agar bertambah kekuatanku untuk menyintaiMu.

Ya Muhaimin,
Jika aku jatuh hati
Izinkanlah aku menyentuh hati seseorang yang hatinya tertaut padaMu
Agar tidak terjatuh aku dalam jurang cinta nafsu.

Ya Rabbana,
Jika aku jatuh hati
Jagalah hatiku padanya
Agar tidak berpaling daripada hatiMu.

Ya Rabbul Izzati,
Jika aku rindu
Rindukanlah aku pada seseorang yang merindui syahid di jalanMu.

Ya Allah,
Jika aku menikmati cinta kekasihMu
Janganlah kenikmatan itu melebihi kenikmatan indahnya bermunajat di sepertiga malam terakhirMu.

Ya Allah,
Jika aku jatuh hati kepada kekasihMu
Jangan biarkan aku tertatih dan terjatuh dalam perjalanan panjang menyeru manusia kepadaMu.

Ya Allah,
Jika Kau halalkan aku merindui kekasihMu
Jangan biarkan aku melampaui batas sehingga melupakan aku pada cinta hakiki dan rindu abadi
hanya kepadaMu.

Ya Rabbal Alamin..

Sunday, 27 May 2012

4 Orang Lelaki Yang Ditarik Wanita Ke Neraka

Seseorang wanita itu apabila di yaumal alkhirat akan menarik empat golongan lelaki bersamanya ke dalam neraka.

Artikel ini bukan untuk memperkecilkan wanita tetapi sebaliknya iaitu supaya kaum lelaki memainkan peranannya dengan hak & saksama serta berwaspada akan tanggung-jawab yang dipikul.

1. Ayahnya

Apabila seseorang yg bergelar ayah tidak memperdulikan anak-anak perempuannya di dunia. dia tidak memberikan segala keperluan agama seperti mengajar solat, mengaji & sebagainya. Dia memperbiarkan anak-anak perempuannya tidak menutup aurat.....tidak cukup kalau dengan hanya memberi kemewahan dunia sahaja maka dia akan ditarik ke neraka oleh anaknya.

2. Suaminya

Apabila sang suami tidak memperdulikan tindak tanduk isterinya. Bergaul bebas di pejabat,memperhiaskan diri bukan untuk suami tapi untuk pandangan kaum lelaki yg bukan mahram apabila suami mendiam diri walaupun dia seorang alim seperti solat tidak bertangguh, puasa tidak tinggal maka dia akan turut ditarik oleh isterinya.

3. Abang-abangnya

Apabila ayahnya sudah tiada,tanggungjawab menjaga maruah wanita jatuh ke bahu abang-abangnya.....jikalau mereka hanya mementing keluarganya sahaja dan adik perempuannya dibiar melencong dari ajaran ISLAM ...tunggulah tarikan adiknya di akhirat kelak.

4. Anak Lelakinya

Apabila seorang anak tidak menasihati seorang ibu perihal kelakuan yg haram dari Islam,bila ibu membuat kemungkaran pengumpat,mengata & sebagainya maka anak itu akan disoal dan dipertangungjawabkan di akhirat kelak. Nantikan tarikan ibunya ke neraka.

Maka kita lihat betapa hebatnya tarikan wanita bukan sahaja di dunia malah di akhirat pun tarikannya begitu hebat ,maka kaum lelaki yang bergelar ayah/suami/abang atau anak harus memainkan peranan mereka.

Firman ALLAH SWT:-

Harga seseorang muslim adalah sangat berharga. ALLAH SWT nilaikan seseorang muslim dengan SYURGA,semua kaum muslim dijamin masuk syurga (sesiapa yg mengucap kalimah tauhid) dengan itu janganlah kita membuang atau tidak mengendah janji dan peluang yg ALLAH SWT berikan pada kita.

Sumber: Muslimzone

Thursday, 24 May 2012

My own timeline.

Salam everyone,
Currently finals just around the corner, yes this few years seems to be harsh on me but Insyallah I will remain as a fighter and keep my heart and mind as strong as I can. Alhamdulillah, Allah hear my prayer and Insyallah I'm going to perform my Umrah together with parents latest after the Hajj seasons end. Only Allah knows how excited I am and I can't imagine my feelings right now. No one can predict the future, never crossed my mind I could have a chance to step down to the sacred city. There's some fear beneath me, but for now I just can pray everything runs smoothly as plan. After all the hardship, the tears, the drama, the breaking apart etc, I've got the chance to back on my feet even it's a slow progress.

"What doesn't kill you will make you stronger"
Sneaking around on memories make me realize how's life have changed me a lot. Some were good and some were better not to be remember at all. There's a time I keep saying to myself "If I know things will turn to be..." but I know I'm just human that can't run from making mistakes in life.
The only thing I can do learn from them, never repeat the same mistakes, I also learn that sometimes you can just plan things the way you want it to be but Allah will decide and create a better plan for you to recover. I know I have wrote regarding expectations, with no doubt I'm admitting some expectations will haunt you down if you don't believe in Allah's plan. Most of people know what they exactly want in life but not everyone are lucky enough to stay on the right path without facing hardship and obligation. For example, myself. When I was in high-school I thought by 23 I will grad my Bachelor, pursue my Masters by now, get good job and get married at the age of 25. But it seems there's a lot of changes throughout my plan by screwing up my own teenage life, luckily I'm back on track by now and I believe Allah have a better plan for me. 

So let's keep the positive vibe alive and just be grateful what life have to be. We might not get what we want but with Allah's promise we will get what we deserve. There's no point looking back to the past, keep moving forward and be the best Muslims by improving to be better servants for Allah.

Remember whatever we do because of Allah it still count as ibadah. So even your still a student, a worker, a mother, a wife, a daughter or anything you are now be sincere and put your hopes and faith to Allah. Insyallah everything will runs well. 

Till we meet again Insyallah,
Ain Afiqah Ab Rahman.

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

The love letter.

Dear future Husband ,

I don't know what's wrong with me tonight . But I feel like telling you something. I know we're just haven't met each other ,yet. But I know,you're still out there. I pray everyday may we'll be the best for each other. I am now starting a new chapter of my life. Everyday Is my new chapter , I'll forget every bad things about my past and I'll try my best to be a better person starting from today because It's not fair for me to have a good guy like you if I'm still like this without any improvement. If I want a good husband , I have to be a good girl. Right? You know what? If there's a will. We'll meet , and I don't know when.Im sure you don't know too. It's still early for me .I'm just 23 , but i'm not going to be in a " too little too late" moment where I don't try to be a good person and I will regret. I'm going to makesure you're a good guy who prays 5 times a day , have a good akhlaq , can be an imam to myself and our family , have a good islamic background and the one who can share everything with me. I don't care about your past , I care about the presents (at that time) and the future. In getting that kind of guy , I have to be that girl too.Or else , I won't find you and NO ! I have to and I want to. Al-quran also says a good guy is meant to be with a good girl and vice versa. I don't care if I look weird and so loving ( lame,lovey dovey whatever people call it) tonight. Cause it's for you anyway.Well hello future good husband , I'll wait for you. We'll meet, soon ! :') And at that time, Please propose me. Hehe ! We'll have a good life as husband and wife and please lead me to the right path and bring me to heaven , with you.

Love , Your future wife.

 Soulmate by Natasha Bedingfield. 

till we meet again Insyallah,
Ain Afiqah Ab Rahman.

Hikmah berhijab.

Seorang yang bertudung tidak semestinya baik tetapi seorang yang baik pasti akan bertudung. #UstAzharIdrus

“Telah berkata Ummu ‘Athiyah saya bertanya : ‘Ya Rasulullah apakah salah seorang dari kami dinyatakan bersalah bila ia tidak keluar (pergi ke tanah lapang) karena ia tidak mempunyai jilbab ?’ 

Maka sabdanya : ‘Hendaklah temannya meminjamkan jilbab untuknya’.” (HR. Bukhari Muslim)
Jadi Rasulullah mewajibkan seorang muslimah untuk mengenakan jilbabnya dalam keadaan apapun, begitu pentingnya hal ini sehingga apabila seorang muslimah tidak mempunyai jilbab beliau menyuruh temannya untuk meminjaminya.'

Berikut ini beberapa hikmah dari diwajibkannya jilbab bagi seorang muslimah :
1) Sebagai identiti seorang muslimah
Allah memberikan kewajiban untuk berjilbab agar para wanita mukmin mempunyai ciri khas dan identiti tersendiri yang membezakan dengan orang-orang bukan muslim. Dalam sebuah hadits dikatakan :

“Barangsiapa menyerupai suatu kaum maka ia termasuk golongan mereka” (HR. Abu Dawud)

2) Meninggikan darjat wanita muslim (muslimah)
Dengan mengenakan jilbab yang menutup seluruh auratnya dan tidak membuka auratnya di sebarang tempat, maka seorang muslimah itu bagaikan sebuah batu permata yang terpajang di etalase yang tidak sebarang orang dapat mengambil dan memilikinya. Dan bukan seperti batu yang berserakan di jalan dimana setiap orang dapat dengan mudah mengambilnya, kemudian menikmatinya, lalu membuangnya kembali.
Allah berfirman :

“Barangsiapa yang mengerjakan amal saleh, baik laki-laki maupun perempuan dalam keadaan beriman, maka sesungguhnya akan Kami berikan kepadanya kehidupan yang baik dan sesungguhnya akan Kami berikan balasan kepada mereka dengan pahala yang lebih baik dari apa yang telah mereka kerjakan.”(QS. An Nahl (16) : 97) 
3) Mencegah dari gangguan lelaki tak bertanggung jawab
Hal ini mudah difahami kerana dengan seluruh tubuh tertutup kecuali muka dan telapak tangan, maka tidak akan mungkin ada laki-laki iseng yang tertarik untuk menggoda dan mencelakakannya selama ia tidak berperilaku yang berlebih-lebihan. Sehingga kejadian-kejadian seperti perkosaan, perzinaan, dsb dapat dihindarkan

“Dan janganlah kamu mendekati zina; sesungguhnya zina itu adalah suatu perbuatan yang keji. Dan suatu jalan yang buruk.” (QS. Al Israa’ (17) : 32)

4) Memperkuat kontrol sosial
Seorang yang ikhlas dalam menjalankan perintahNya dan menjauhi laranganNya khususnya dalam mengenakan busana muslimah, Insya Allah ia akan selalu menyadari bahwa dia selalu membawa nama dan identiti Islam dalam kehidupannya sehari-hari, sehingga apabila suatu saat dia melakukan kekhilafan maka ia akan lebih mudah ingat kepada Allah dan kembali ke jalan yang diredhaiNya.

Sumber: Muslimzone.

Monday, 21 May 2012

Infinity of love.

11 April 2012- Pandan Indah, Kuala Lumpur

"In life we will meet various people, having a lot of friends, knowing others and explore the world. But remember in life also we will only have a pair of parents, so appreciate them before it's too late. We were too busy wanting to grown up and have our own life till we forgot they're getting old and all they want from us love, tender and attention. If they can put all their heart and soul just to make sure we grown up well as plan by protecting us the best they can, love endlessly and try to fulfill our wants and needs with the best way they could afford. Why we can't do the same thing to them when they're older?"

Thank you for everything you both have done to me, may both of you will always be in Allah's care and Insyallah I will do my very best to serve and care you with everything both of you have thought me. 

Quotes of the Wisdom, Day 5

"Sometimes Allah tests us so that we can see the rainbow after a stormy rain. If we can’t see the rainbow in this world, then inshAllah we can in the Hereafter. Just be strong in your heart and mind! Furnish it with faith, love, trust, and sincerity for the sake of Allah. Make your imagination embroidered with His love and light. InshAllah tranquility and contentment will penetrate into our soul. That is when our imagination triumphs over intelligence."(Diana)

Chronicles of life.

Life may turn complicated, may leads into rocky road with fulls of upside down, may guide you into wrong direction, may object your nature towards life, may create conflicts of making the right decision and others.
There will always be someone prettier than you, someone better than you, someone smarter than you, someone good than you, someone perform well than you and so much more. But have we ever stop all this negativity inside us that drive us apart and thank to Allah with what He have gave you all this while. Yes, there will always be problem around the corner, the will always be failure on exam, there will always be a sudden heartbreak, there will be millions things that might occur but have we ever be thankful by just waking up healthy with well breathing, surround by wonderful families and friends?

We always complain for not having what we don't having what we want but we never realize there's people outside there struggling to survive by not having what they really need for life. Be faithful at least you have parents to support you emotionally, financially and love you with unconditional. Realize that there's bunch of kids have to wake up with no parents around, facing starvation, no shelter, no proper education and even no nice clothes to put on them.

Do you really have to kill yourself by jumping on the cliff just because you failed one paper when there's thousand of people dying to be in your place to have a better education. Think positive, maybe Allah want you to realize that you might lost of track and He wants you back to be faithful and be thankful on what you have in hand now.

"Cinta itu fitrah Allah, tetapi lebih manis untuk dikongsi andai ia Halal di jalan Allah" 
Does it worth it to cut and hurt yourself when your love life ending drastically not like what you hope for? Does it worth to bleed yourself for someone that not sure yours? Will he/she appreciate what you have done? Will he/she take you back or be together again after what you did without Allah's will? That's a reason why in Islam couples before marriage is Haram. Allah will never harm His follower without any bold reasons. Would it be sweet to fall and be in love with someone that yours and happen to be fall Halal in Allah's mercy?

"Real love means helping each other attain Jannah, not holding each other’s hands walking towards Hell fire."(Stunning Hijab)

Does it worth it to blame Allah just because your life were not working well as what you plan and forgot about all the wonderful life Allah have given to you? Have you ever stop your day and be thankful with what have Allah given to you all this while. So do you ever think it deeply to blame Him for not following on your plan and forget all the good part in life you have experience before? There's a reason why things happen, just keep calm and never stop kneeing down and ask for Allah. Allah will always have a better plan than us, He knows what's the best for us and He knows what life's waiting for us in future. Take the failure/hardship as the strength for you to be a better person and stronger. Challenge yourself to be patient and see life in different perspective. Put empathy when you see people lower than you and try to walk in their shoes; Insyallah bit by bit you will grow the faithful feeling inside you and you'll be surprise with what Allah have given to you.

Alhamdulillah today is 1st Rejab, means 60days more before Ramadhan. Let's change ourself for better, because in order to get the best we must prepare ourself to be a better servants for Allah. It's okay to cry once in a while, but make sure by the time you stop crying promise yourself you will never cry for the same reason again.

Insyallah we will meet again,
Ain Afiqah Ab Rahman.

Saturday, 5 May 2012

13 Penawar Racun Kemaksiatan.

”Allah ‘Azza wa Jalla berfirman, ‘Barangsiapa yang melakukan kebajikan, maka ia mendapatkan pahala sepuluh kebajikan dan Aku tambah dan barangsiapa yang melakukan keburukan keburukan, maka balasannya satu keburukan yang sama, atau diampuni dosanya. Barangsiapa yang mendekat kepada-Ku sejengkal, maka Aku mendekat kepadanya sehasta dan barangsiapa yang mendekat kepada-ku sehasta, maka Aku mendekat kepadanya sedepa; barangsiapa yang datang kepada-ku dengan berjalan, maka Aku datang kepadanya dengan berlari. Barangsiapa yang menemui-Ku dengan dosa sepenuh bumi tanpa menyekutukan Aku dengan sesuatu apapun, maka Aku menemuinya dengan maghfirah yang sama.” (HR. Muslim dan Ahmad)

Berikut ini ada beberapa terapi mujarab untuk menawar racun kemaksiatan.

1. Anggaplah besar dosamu
Abdullah bin Mas’ud radhiallahu anhu berkata, ”Orang beriman melihat dosa-dosanya seolah-olah ia duduk di bawah gunung, ia takut gunung tersebut menimpanya. Sementara orang yang fajir (suka berbuat dosa) dosanya seperti lalat yang lewat di atas hidungnya.”

2. Janganlah meremehkan dosa
Rasulullah shalallahu alaihi wa salam bersabda, ”Janganlah kamu meremehkan dosa, seperti kaum yang singgah di perut lembah. Lalu seseorang datang membawa ranting dan seorang lainnya lagi datang membawa ranting sehingga mereka dapat menanak roti mereka. Kapan saja orang yang melakukan suatu dosa menganggap remeh suatu dosa, maka itu akan membinasakannya.” (HR. Ahmad dengan sanad yang hasan)

3. Janganlah mujaharah (menceritakan dosa)
Rasulullah shalallahu alaihi wa salam bersabda, ”Semua umatku dimaafkan kecuali mujahirun (orang yang berterus terang). Termasuk mujaharah ialah seseorang yang melakukan suatu amal (keburukan) pada malam hari kemudian pada pagi harinya ia membeberkannya, padahal Allah telah menutupinya, ia berkata, ‘Wahai fulan, tadi malam aku telah melakukan demikian dan demikian’. Pada maalm hari Tuhannya telah menutupi kesalahannya tetapi pada pagi harinya ia membuka tabir Allah yang menutupinya.” (HR. Bukhari dan Muslim)

4. Taubat nasuha yang tulus
Rasulullah shalallahu alaihi wa salam bersabda, ”Allah lebih bergembira dengan taubat hamba-Nya tatkala bertaubat daripada seorang di antara kamu yang berada di atas kendaraannya di padang pasir yang tandus. Kemudian kendaraan itu hilang darinya, padahal di atas kendaraan itu terdapat makanan dan minumannya. Ia sedih kehilangan hal itu, lalu ia menuju pohon dan tidur di bawah naungannya dalam keaadaan bersedih terhadap kendaraannya. Saat ia dalam keadaan seperti itu, tiba-tiba kendaraannya muncul di dekatnya, lalu ia mengambil tali kendalinya. Kemudian ia berkata, karena sangat bergembira, ‘Ya Allah Engkau adalah hambaku dan aku adalah Tuhanmu’. Ia salah ucap karena sangat bergembira”. (HR. Bukhari dan Muslim)

5. Jika dosa berulang, maka ulangilah bertaubat
Ali bin Abi Thalib radhiallahu anhu berkata, ”Sebaik-baik kalian adalah setiap orang yang diuji (dengan dosa) lagi bertaubat.” ditanyakan, ‘Jika ia mengulangi lagi?’ Ia menjawab, ‘Ia beristighfar kepada Allah dan bertaubat.’ Ditanyakan, ‘Jika ia kembali berbuat dosa?’ Ia menjawab, ‘Ia beristighfar kepada Allah dan bertaubat.’ Ditanyakan, ‘Sampai kapan?’ Dia menjawab, ‘Sampai setan berputus asa.”’

6. Jauhi faktor-faktor penyebab kemaksiatan
Orang yang bertaubat harus menjauhi situasi dan kondisi yang biasa ia temui pada saat melakukan kemaksiatan serta menjauh darinya secara keseluruhan dan sibuk dengan selainnya.

7. Senantiasa beristighfar
Saat-saat beristighfar:
a. Ketika melakukan dosa
b. Setelah melakukan ketaatan
c. Dalam dzikir-dzikir rutin harian
d. Senantiasa beristighfar setiap saat
Rasulullah shalallahu alaihi wa salam beristighfar kepada Allah dalam sehari lebih dari 70 kali (dalam hadits lain 100 kali).

8. Apakah anda berjanji kepada Allah untuk meninggalkan kemaksiatan?
Tidak ada bedanya antara orang yang berjanji kepada Allah (berupa nadzar atas tebusan dosa yang dilakukannya) dengan orang yang tidak melakukannya. Karena yang menyebabkan dirinya terjerumus ke dalam kemksiatan tidak lain hanyalah karena panggilan syahwat (hawa nafsu) lebih mendominasi dirinya daripada panggilan iman. Janji tersebut tidak dapat melakukan apa-apa dan tidak berguna.

9. Melakukan kebajikan setelah keburukan
Rasulullah shalallahu alaihi wa salam bersabda,
”Bertakwalah kepada Allah di mana saja kamu berada, dan iringilah keburukan dengan kebajikan maka kebajikan itu akan menghapus keburukan tersebut, serta perlakukanlah manusia dengan akhlak yang baik.” 
(HR. Ahmad dan Tirmidzi. Tirmidzi menilai hadits ini hasan shahih))

10. Merealisasikan tauhid
Rasulullah shalallahu alaihi wa salam bersabda,
”Allah ‘Azza wa Jalla berfirman, ‘Barangsiapa yang melakukan kebajikan, maka ia mendapatkan pahala sepuluh kebajikan dan Aku tambah dan barangsiapa yang melakukan keburukan keburukan, maka balasannya satu keburukan yang sama, atau diampuni dosanya. Barangsiapa yang mendekat kepada-Ku sejengkal, maka Aku mendekat kepadanya sehasta dan barangsiapa yang mendekat kepada-ku sehasta, maka Aku mendekat kepadanya sedepa; barangsiapa yang datang kepada-ku dengan berjalan, maka Aku datang kepadanya dengan berlari. Barangsiapa yang menemui-Ku dengan dosa sepenuh bumi tanpa menyekutukan Aku dengan sesuatu apapun, maka Aku menemuinya dengan maghfirah yang sama.” (HR. Muslim dan Ahmad)

11. Jangan berpisah dengan orang-orang yang baik
a. Persahabatan dengan orang-orang baik adalah amal shalih
b. Mencintai orang-orang shalih menyebabkan sesorang bersama mereka, walaupun ia tidak mencapai kedudukan mereka dalam amal
c. Manusia itu ada 3 golongan
i. Golongan yang membawa dirinya dengan kendali takwa dan mencegahnya dari kemaksiatan. Inilah golongan terbaik.
ii. Golongan yang melakukan kemaksiatan dalam keadaan takut dan menyesal. Ia merasa dirinya berada dalam bahaya yang besar, dan ia berharapa suatu hari dapat berpisah dari kemaksiatan tersebut.
iii. Golongan yang mencari kemaksiatan, bergembira dengannya dan menyesal karena kehilangan hal itu.
d. Penyesalan dan penderitaan karena melakukan kemaksiatan hanya dapat dipetik dari persahabatan yang baik
e. Tidak ada alasan untuk berpisah dengan orang-orang yang baik

12. Jangan tinggalkan da’wah
Said bin Jubair berkata, ”Sekiranya sesorang tidak boleh menyuruh kebajikan dan mencegah dari kemungkaran sehingga tidak ada dalam dirinya sesuatu (kesalahanpun), maka tidak ada seorangpun yang menyeru kepada kebajikan dan mencegah dari kemungkaran.” Imam malik berkomentar, ”Ia benar. Siapakah yang pada dirinya tidak ada sesuatupun (kesalahan).”

13. Jangan cela orang lain karena perbuatan dosanya
Rasulullah shalallahu alaihi wa salam menceritakan kepada para shahabat bahwasanya seseorang berkata, ”Demi Allah, Allah tidak akan mengampuni si fulan.” Allah swt berkata, ”Siapakah yang bersumpah atas nama-Ku bahwa Aku tidak mengampuni si fulan? Sesungguhnya Aku telah mengampuni dosanya dan Aku telah menghapus amalmu.” (HR. Muslim).

*Disadur secara ringkas dari buku 13 Penawar Racun kemaksiatan (terjemahan dari kitab Sabiilun najah min syu’mil ma’shiyyah) karangan Muhammad bin Abdullah Ad-Duwaisy, terbitan Darul Haq, Jakarta.

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Tanda-tanda jiwa yang kacau.

"Apakah tanda jiwa yang kacau? (artikel menarik Fedtri Yahya dalam majalah Gen-Q)

1. Suka bergaduh walaupun dalam perkara kecil.

2. Melihat kejayaan orang lain sebagai ancaman kepada diri.

3. Sering berasa tidak bahagia dan tidak puas dengan nikmat yang dimiliki.

4. Sukar memberi dan menerima maaf.

5. Asyik menyebt dan memikirkan hal-hal buruk, kotor dan negatif.

6. Suka menyindir, memerli dan menyakitkan hati orang lain.

7. Berasa puas menjatuhkan orang lain.

8. Suka mengungkit perkara lepas untuk melepaskan kemarahan. "

Semoga kita sama-sama perbaiki diri menjadi lebih baik dari semalam dan lebih baik untuk esok. Sesungguhnya Allah sentiasa memberi peluang untuk hambaNya kembali ke jalan yang benar. Setiap manusia melakukan kesilapan namun belajarlah dari kesilapan kerana sesungguhnya yang baik itu dari Allah dan yang buruk itu datangnya dari diri kita sendiri.  

Doa untuk mendapat jodoh yang terbaik dari Allah dan untuk mendapat zuriat yang terbaik. Sesungguhnya pemberian dari Allah adalah yang terbaik dan percayalah pada qada' dan qadar kerana semuanya telah tertulis di Loh Mahfuz. So, mari kita amalkannya mudah-mudahan kita peroleh keberkatan yang terbaik dariNya. 

Till we meet again Insyallah,
Ain Afiqah Ab Rahman.

Saturday, 28 April 2012

Aku hanya mampu berteleku di jalanMu.

Senyumlah walahpun pahit kerana senyum itu juga satu sedekah.

Simpan segala kepedihan hanya untuk dirimu kerana percaya pada qada's dan qadar, Allah sudah menulis jalan terbaik untuk dirimu. Telan segala kesengsaraan kerana Allah tahu kamu kuat untuk tempuhi segala dugaan. Setiap ranjau ada jalan penyelesaian dan setiap perit ada ubat menanti. Sabar, itu janji Allah pada setiap hambaNya. Menangislah sepuasnya, andai itu dapat menenangkan hatimu. Tundukkan pandanganmu andai itu membantu kamu menjadi diri kamu yang sebenarnya.
Sesungguhnya Allah itu Maha Adil, jadi tetapkanlah hati untuk tegar meneruskan cita-cita dan harapan. Kuatkan imanmu dan jangan sesekali menyesali apa yang tertulis di Loh Mahfuz untukmu.
Rahsiakan suara hatimu agar kamu tidak menyakiti orang lain sama ada secara sengaja atau tidak. 

Ya Allah, andai ini jalan terbaik buatku. Aku redha walau saat ini aku hanya mampu menangis di sejadahmu mengharapkan esok lebih baik dari semalam. 

Till we meet again Insyallah,
Ain Afiqah Ab Rahman.

Keep smiling and let your heart drive you for better.

Keep breathing, keep smiling, keep calm, keep focus and keep your heart closer to Allah.

There's a time when things doesn't work the way you want and it crush you badly till you loose hope to stand by your feet. You will never know what broken heart will lead you despair but with Allah you know you will survive. How can you lie to yourself about something that means the world to you? But remember life is part of growing up process, you may cry now but one fine day when time heal everything you will feel better and have the life you always imagine. The time when everytime you breathe there's a big hole feeling stuck inside and all you can do is keep yourself calm and keep writing.

Yes, I'm crying hard and keep saying to myself Allah have a better plan for me. Yes, I wish my mum were at my side during hard time but I know this world doesn't revolve around me so I just can keep my heart strong and go on with life. There's a light of happiness behind every rain of sadness.

I'm in a deep of missing,

Let me share one of my favorite song at the moment,

Till then we meet again Insyallah,
Ain Afiqah Ab Rahman.

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Cinta berpaksikan Allah.

Cinta itu adalah fitrah manusia yang diberi untuk memupuk kasih sayang sesama manusia namun sedarkah kesucian cinta itu telah dicemari oleh manusia itu sendiri?

Cinta telah disalah ertikan sebagai tiket kebahagiaan dan membelakangi Islam itu sendiri. Cinta di pupuk untuk ke lembah terhina dan merendahkan keindahan yang diberi oleh Allah semata-mata untuk nafsu. Murahnya cinta di mata manusia kini sehingga tiada perasaan malu untuk bercanda dan maksiat dibina untuk keseronokan dunia yang hakiki.
Perempuan memilih teman lelaki dari suami dengan alasan belum bersedia. Sedarkah saham akhirat yang dibina hanya kerana diri menolak untuk menerima tanggungjawab yang lebih mulia dimata Allah? Sesungguhnya Allah memuliakan para isteri dengan menjaminkan nikmat syurga dengan hanya berbakti sepenuh hati dan perasaan pada lelaki yang bergelar suami.
Ke hulu ke hilir bersama, berdampingan bagai lipas kudung, berjalan bersama bagai suami isteri yang sah tanpa sekelumit rasa bersalah pada Allah yang melihat dan lebih menyedihkan menggunakan isu duit untuk tidak segera membina masjid. Bukankah rezeki Allah ada dimana-mana? Mengapa perlu sempitkan pemikiran demi arus kemodenan yang menjurus ke arah neraka? Moden itu adalah cara hidup, namun dosa pahala adalah sesuatu yang pasti.
Allah memberi segala nikmat kepada wanita yang mengangkat darjat suaminya lebih dari dirinya sendiri, bukankah itu lebih manis.

Islam itu mudah dan praktikal, pilihlah jalan kebenaran kerana akhirat itu nyata dan dunia hanyalah pinjaman.
Hidup ini indah untuk diterokai andai kita dijalan yang diredhai olehNya.

"HARAM mengambil seorang wanita sebagai kekasih jika bukan niat untuk mengahwininya" - Uztaz Azhar Idrus 

sources: Google image.

Till we meet again Insyallah,
Ain Afiqah Ab Rahman.

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Beyond Allah, parents and life partner.

Salam everyone,
it's been a tough week and Alhamdulillah I still survive but I'm not satisfied with my effort yet. It seems I haven't give my 100% potential and worst scenario I have a massive homesick.
It's a been a while since I left home, not left for good but left to further my dream. I know Allah have a better plan for me but I can't lie myself how much I love to have my parents company. It's not being clingy or any but I enjoyed sharing my day with them, make decisions together and spend all the quality time perfectly. Yeah, either I want it or not I have to admit the nature of life, they're getting old and yes I want to spend all my heart and soul totally with them.
I'm not being childish but deep inside I know they can feel I'm growing up and one fine day I'm gonna be literally detached from them by married to a guy and start my own family. It's not easy but that's the price of life, but I'm glad day by day we get closer more and more. The best feeling in the world when you get to interact everyday with your parents and keep them closer to your heart. I love the way they make me feel special and I enjoy their compliment. I have heard from some friends when they said to me "If you wanna see the real pain of life see your parents faces while their sleeping. That's the time you can see the truth and you will feel how life have changed you up." There's a time I make an effort to spare some nights with them and only Allah's know how guilty I am for behaving bad towards them before. I know I can't turn back time but I know I can ask from Allah and pray nothing but the best for them.

"Remember there's a time we grown up and we will find our own soul-mate that complete our day better but remind yourself about your parents too. They are getting old and they need our attention too. Never priorities your partner beyond Allah and your parents, make your partner be after them. Insyallah you will have a barakah's life, because Jannah's is in your mum's feet not on your partner until she's married then it change to husband. Don't get me wrong, I don't put any point saying that having partner is wrong because it's nature of life but put Allah and your parents first. Allah always with you when everyone left you alone and parents always there to give you the best they could and love you unconditionally since the first day you were welcome to this world. Spare some time with them, like you finding an effort for your partner, cherished every moment with joy because where never you make them happy with smile on their face Allah will rewards you with 'pahala',  be there for them because either you remember or not when you were little they always there for you, knee down and pray to Allah for them because they always ask the best for you, don't be stingy on spending to them because remember when you still living with them every wants and needs they try to fulfill by sacrifice their owns and served your parents while they still alive because you will never have another parents once they are gone to meet Allah forever."

5th November 2011- Tanjung Tuan Beach Resort, Port Dickson

For my beloved parents- have a safe journey to cherished your 24th anniversary to Uzbekistan honeymoon. May you always be in Allah's care, take care and enjoy your holiday. I love you always and hope to hear from you both soon. 

Till we meet again Insyallah,
Ain Afiqah Ab Rahman.

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Wanita yang melahirkanku.

Salam mama,
Hadiah buat mama di hari lahirmu,
titipan doa di setiap sujudku pada yang Maha Esa,
hanya ini yang mampu diberi disaat jiwa ini masih di tanggung olehmu dan ayah,
ingatan ikhlas dari lubuk hati demi wanita yang memperdagangkan nyawa hanya untuk memberi peluang kepadaku untuk merasa nikmat dunia,
semoga Allah sentiasa bersamamu mama,
cinta yang diberi tidak akan sama dengan kasih sayangmu,
semoga Allah panjangkan umurmu dan beri peluang pada jiwa kerdil ini untuk berbakti pada hari tuamu.

Selamat hari jadi ke 51 buat mama, Rokiah Haji Mohamed.

Ikhlas dari anakmu,
Ain Afiqah Ab Rahman.

"Ya Allah kau berikanlah kebahagiaan yang hakiki kepada kedua ibubapaku, berkatilah hidup mereka, bahagiakan mereka seperti mana mereka bahagiakan ku dari kecil sampai sekarang, permudahkan segala urusan mereka, lindungilah mereka dari perasaan hasad dengki; bencana; atau apa sahaja yang mampu memberi kesan buruk pada mereka, tetapkan imaan mereka kepadamu, ampunkan segala dosa-dosa mereka, dan andai satu hari nanti mereka pergi menemuimu tempatkan mereka di Jannah terbaikmu, payungi mereka dengan kasih sayangMu, sihatkan tubuh badan mereka untuk sujud kepadaMu, kekalkan cahaya kebahagiaan kami sekeluarga, berikan aku peluang untuk berbakti kepada mereka, dan bantu aku untuk menjadi anak solehah dan kekalkan hati kami untuk tetap berada di jalanMu" Ameen.

Lara sebuah ceritera manusia.

"Rapuh sungguh perasaanmu anak muda, kuatkan semangatmu dan tetapkan impianmu. Dunia Allah luas, segala cabaran ada jalan penyelesaiannya."

Pada saat hati hanya mampu menangisi kesilapan lalu dan minda hanya mampu mengucapkan perasaan sabar. Cabaran yang bertimpa ada kalanya memesongkan semangat dan menghidupkan kekesalan yang pasti. Bait-bait kata hanya mampu dipandang kosong tanpa sebarang jawapan yang pasti, kerana jiwa terlalu rapuh untuk berdiri atas dasar kesilapan lampau. Bertubi-tubi penyesalan yang menyesakkan dada hanya mampu untuk menghirup sisa-sisa tenaga yang tinggal. Terduduk di pinggir sejadah berteleku memohon kemaafan, kemaafan hakiki dari Maha Pencipta yang dilupakan selama ini. Kesedaran yang menggoyahkan pendirian demi ingin membina secebis iman di dada. Titisan-titisan mutiara gugur, dan meleraikan kekusutuan yang selama menghantui benak fikiran atas kebodohan sendiri. Semoga Allah sentiasa bersamanya, hanya dia yang pasti dan dialah yang paling memahami.

Ya Allah,
ampunkan segala dosa-dosaku,
berikan aku peluang untuk menjadi khalifah terpilihMU,
tunjukkan aku jalan kebenaran,
jalan yang diredhai olehMU,
sesungguhnya aku manusia hina yang menumpang di nikmatMU,
sucikan hati ini dari landasan kehinaan,
tetapkan imanku hanya untukMU,
kuatkan semangatku untuk berjihad keranaMU,
titipkan pandanganku dari segala punca kezinaan,
terimalah taubatku,
sesungguhnya aku tidak layak ke syurga indahMU,
tapi aku tidak sanggup ke neraka jahanamMU,
terima sujud pasrah sesalanku,
hati ini hanya milik mutlak untukMU.

Till then we meet again Insyallah,
Ain Afiqah Ab Rahman.

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Smile and keep holding on to the dreams.

Alhamdulillah, I feel blessed with all this happiness and faithful with all the gifts that been given to me all this years. It never been easy to maintain it, but it never turn impossible to keep it. Everytime I feel low I know I can count on them plus I strongly believe and know Allah always with me. Masyallah, let's embrace for good thing and be better Muslim in future. (Easter break 2012)

Mama's small advance birthday ceremony in BBQ Chicken in One Utama; 080412

Friday, 13 April 2012

Quotes of Wisdom, Day 4.

For truly, with patience comes victory, and with difficulty relief follows close behind -(Aaidh ibn Abdullah al-Qarni)

Behind every names, there's a wonderful meaning.

I have been hiatus for quite some time, due to study loads and busy balancing life. Alhamdulillah, everything seems smooth even there's a rocky road I have to face it. I'm at home currently; happily well feed, be in my comfy room but kinda dusty since we have small construction for smooth convenient in future. While spending my time reading books (obviously far away from reading my study text), I found good Islamic Name for babies from my mum's collection. Yeah I have this weird hobby, collecting names for future babies which Insyallah I will have them one fine day.

Discussing with mama, she prefer's name with Islamic meaning yet still unique, Arabic's type of name and definitely good meaning behind. Me and mama, slightly dislike most Malay's name because for us there's no point having good name without deep Islamic meaning because every name carries du'a about that particular person.

As for my name "Ain Afiqah" it means 'eyes of glory' which implied to me as I have to give my very best to suits my name together with the meaning. I have questions parents; why there prefer calling me 'Afiqah' instead of 'Ain'; simple because 'Afiqah' means glory which both my parents wants me to be the best and achieving the dreams. Masyallah; thank you Allah for giving me wonderful parents that always call me the best by just naming me.

There's such numerous name that caught my attention after shortlisted few of them into my notebook. Some of them sounds catchy and sound very English. As for my opinion a name; should be simple short and meaningful to be called. Plus I still prefer 2 names; like mine "Ain" for my first name, "Afiqah" for my middle name and "Ab Rahman" will be my last name and it's my dad's name. I believe some people prefer long and more characters or even just one name to be completed, it actually depends on that person and his/her partners.

Since me and "Mr Future Husband" haven't been married legally, choosing name for babies are just to delay my spare time at home. I hope he likes it, since it have beautiful meaning inside. I know, for some Malays the name that I choose might sound weird or maybe not their cup of tea but I believe a good name with good Islamic guidance for life by the parents Insyallah the kids will grow up to be a good Muslim.

Some people might ask, why I choose Arabic's name that hardly been used by Malay's community since Malays-Muslim also have good list of wonderful name with good meanings. My answer were simple, I love being Malays but I want my daughters and sons to be unique; stand up for their dreams and proud to be their-self without trying to be somebody else so that's why I choose Arabic's( name start with letter U which hardly to see many Malays used it but in future I'm not sure about that fact). Meaning; proud of their names, and achieve their dreams in their own ways because they want it not because people on their surrounding force them to do it.

sources; Google image

As for my sons;
Umar Miyaz - Name of the 2nd Khalifah and excellent.
Uwais Mikael - Giving and one of Allah's angel.

As for the daughters;
Lana Marissa - Soft and pride.
Layla Maysa - Dark beauty and walking with pride.

Insyallah; when the time come all this will turn into reality. Keep praying to Allah as hoping the plan will be done smoothly.

Till then we meet again Insyallah,
Ain Afiqah Ab Rahman.

Sunday, 25 March 2012

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.

Source; Google image.
What makes a lady beautiful?
In my own ideology by referring to "beauty is in the eyes of the beholder"; is when she knows how to behave herself well in the public, she covers her aurat properly, she loves Allah more than anything, she devoted herself to the parents/husband/family and take care of them without any doubt in her heart, she know how to calm herself when obligation appear in her life and she believe in herself capability by achieving her ultimate dreams.

Till then we meet again Insyallah,
Ain Afiqah Ab Rahman.

Saturday, 24 March 2012

Quotes of Wisdom, Day 4.

"Whoever leaves something for the sake of Allah, Allah will provide him a better thing.(Ahmad)" [DawahDaily]

Fix you, when everything turns haywire.

Expectations, words that either will lift you up or pull you lower to the ground. Higher than reality dreamer than hopes. Keep breathing and stay calm if that will make you feel okay. Struggling are part of growing up and people keep come and go living you all alone finding way to keep standing. Seeing your feet on the ground ain't enough to guarantee you better life. Work harder and push yourself to the limits. It's ain't easy but nor impossible. Fix may turn good but wrong decision will lead to confusion. Inhale all the pain and exhale all the happiness.
There's a time when I almost express the word quit, all I see are my parents faces with full of hopes and smiling.  How I wish I'm just 5 and all my cares were where did I put my crayons last night. Sometimes I envy my little sister, how wonderful life around her. Imagination, happiness and laughter. Not saying my life were dark and gloomy but my main idea were being adult never been easy. It needs courage, commitment and passion to go to the phase of life you always wanted. Big obligation will always there to test you till at one point you were gasping hardly to keep survive. The stronger you got, the higher test you will receive, and yes that is Allah promise. Allah will always testing us, because He knows our ability to handle our problems.
It's hard to admit that it does not bother you when you also still searching the right path of life.
Some judge me as self-centered brat, not complain but that makes me as me. I was born as the only child till I'm 18 when my sister come in to spice up our little family. I have all the attention from the family especially the parents. I always be the dream girl princess, where I have all the comfort in life. Been the target to perform the best and people put high expectation on me. I always experimental with all kinds just to make sure I deserve nothing but the best in life. Yeah, thanks Allah for giving me the opputurnity that not everyone can experience it.
Eventually, there's some community doesn't realize I'm still a human inside. Where I need to breathe, to stand for my thoughts and speak up what is inside my mind. I don't blame them, I was grown up in a society where everyone frame you based on your education level, being acceptable in social life, good reputation job, awesome pay for living and amazing image for self branding.
There's where I turn to be optimistic, I assume everyone is the best and everyone should give their very best shot in life. Not judging, but my dad always said this words to me "I don't care how you do it, but I know you have to do it. You must be the best among the best". It's pretty bold words that keep driving me to push myself to the limit, so I won't feel guilty if I fail. I have given my very best, and Allah knows my effort towards it. Back to the expectation, my whole life people wants me to success and have a good life. I don't have any doubt on that expectations but I have doubt about the way I need to achieve it.
 In my big family I'm the best SPM achievers at the moment which I prayed someone will break the record so I can breathe normally again. Then comes to tertiary education, the highest were Master's in Economic research by my cousin Faidz.  Now I'm doing double degree which no one in the family have done yet so now the expectations nerve hit me again, and worst. Pushing me to the Master's level, so I will be slightly higher than my parents education. Not to challenge them but as self-achievement to boost other to do better in their education. I still need to think about it deeply, I don't want to fulfill it just because to fit in but I wanna do it for the sake of Allah that believe in my capability.

Source; Youtube, Fix You by Coldplay
Don't pray for an easy life. Pray for the strength to endure a hard one. 

"Ya Allah, I need your help to keep the strength in me. I need you to guide me in the right way so I won't have any doubt about it in future. I'm not only searching for the world satisfaction but I also want to be filled well for afterlife. World are just pit-stop but afterlife are forever. Keep me in a good track and lead me for better Muslimah. I know you have a good plan on me, so help me to decide what's the best for me, Insyallah".

Till we meet again Insyallah,
Ain Afiqah Ab Rahman.

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Wordless Wednesday, 2.

19 November 2011, Kelana Jaya. Wedding Dani's sister.

Never let your past dictate who you are, but let it be a part who you will become. (The PsychoIogist)

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Between du'a and prayer.

Alhamdulillah, life getting better when I organize everything well. Not saying, I have no pressure but till now I manage to handle it well enough. I have lot's of reading to catch up and there's a time I wish I have more than 24hours so I can spare a lot of time with Allah. I feel calm everytime I shared with Allah, it's indescribably feeling that soothing me inside.
How I wish I know the benefit of it long ago, Masyallah luckily it's not too late for me to discover it.I feel guilty by showing my aurat, by taking my solat lightly and other things. I know how my ignorant about Islam have lead me so badly. I'm being selfish by only care to be the best now without caring about afterlife that lead forever. Ya Allah, I wish I can turn back all those time and lead myself for a better way. All those crazy stuff I did really make me feel bad not just to me but towards my parents. It burst me into tears for a girl that grown up in Islamic path, slightly been away from it just because wanna fit in with the society until she forget about her rules and beliefs. I feel sorry especially to my dad since his the one that have to take all my action and consequences of all my bad behavior.
The beauty about Islam, there's never too late for a good change. Now I wake up with a faith and everything I do seems simple when I thought it might crack me apart. Supportive parents, family and friends really do help me a lot. Du'a give me strength and prayer get me stronger, but I'm still a learner. Which I know I have long way to learn and still a beginner. Insyallah, I will push myself and improve for better.

Sources; Google image

Insyallah we will meet again,
Ain Afiqah Ab Rahman.

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Quotes of Wisdom, Day 3.

Keep praying for what you want, impossibility and possibility are merely concepts of your mind. To Allah nothing is impossible. (DawahDaily)

Love and devotion.

Widely awake, and energetic. Sadly have no mood for assignment nor study. Feels like so unproductive today, wasted the weekend to the drain. Push myself too much till migraine attack. But Alhamdulillah, at least I know I'm on the right track, just need to hold on stronger outside and on the inside. Feel calm by starting the day sharing thoughts with parents. They simply the best and totally amaze me. Thank you Allah for all this great life, I can't do it without you.
Today someone ask me, why I'm still single when all my best-friends are currently happy with their partner. Simple answer, everyone have their own written "jodoh" just my time haven't come yet. Plus I want to repair, prepare and enhance myself to be a good Muslim lady that not only can guide myself but also people around me. I still have a lot of weakness to cover in order to be better in future. Not showing off or any other intention but I just want to prepare myself to be a good servant for Allah before I can be with someone (which means nikah here) and have a life together.
I wannabe the lady that will help the husband and the family for being a better Muslim. Together we both find the beautiful life in Islam, Insyallah. I'm not trying to point any contradict point here but I feel peaceful when I'm single. I have all my focus for Allah and at the same time I save all my devotion, love, respect, and kindness to my future husband that literally halal for me once we were together till the afterlife. I admit I do make mistake in past, but honestly I'm trying to learn from it. I'm not perfect, but I will do my very best to serve better and this time Insyallah I'm trying to keep my determination on it. I believe Allah have a better plan for me, one fine day the BIG DAY will come. Just keep praying and never ever give up.
Mama always said to me "Good guy are made for good girl, and Allah is always fair. You just have to be patient and never loose faith with Allah. When everything doesn't seem easy, knee down and confront with Allah. Share with Allah, because Allah never tired to listen from us. Plus, Allah never leave so make time for Him if you are too busy to ask from Him."

Source: Google image.

Honestly, I can't wait to meet a guy that can be my Imam. That can be the caliph to me and my family, strongly together till Jannah. I hope I already answer the question clearly why I'm still single by now. I don't hate or having any problem with relationship but I just wanna do it in the right way. The way that will be blessed by Allah (nikaah) and no doubt that will lead into sins-full action.

Insyallah we will meet again,
Ain Afiqah Ab Rahman.

Friday, 16 March 2012

Focus and effort.

It's a tough bumpy road for these few days. Trying to holding on and keep breathing.
Emotional instability and workload catching. Insyallah, I can get through all this and will do my very best for it.

Assignments waiting, it's few but need all the focus and effort. Have to be completed before 4th of April 2012. Let's rock it with style everyone.
2 more weeks for Kuala Lumpur, short break for tuition free-week.

13 November 2011, Holiday Villa Cherating, Pahang.
The picture was taken at Nelayan Village in Kemaman, Terangganu.

Keep praying, don't loose any faith.
Keep believing, don't loose any hope.
Keep standing, don't quit halfway.

Insyallah we will meet again,
Ain Afiqah Ab Rahman.

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Quotes of Wisdom, Day 3.

“Be not sad, surely Allah is with us.” (Qur’an 9:40) (Hadith of The Day)

Wordless Wednesday, 1.

19 December 2010, Le Village Resort Kuantan, Pahang.

"Sometimes you just need that one person who will talk and ramble, listen to your complain and act like an idiot, but still love you at the same." (Unknown)

Monday, 12 March 2012

Quotes of Wisdom, Day 2.

"Don't let anyone's ignorance, hate, drama or negativity stop you from being the best person you can be." (Stunning Hijabs)

Coffee and books.

Me and Aja Fauzi
17 June 2011- Kelantan

No class today, pheww good thing right? But sadly no productive at all. Yes I repeat NO at all. Being lazy but clouded in the head with so much stuff. Out of the topic for today, I just wanna scream out I miss reading. Yes, good material that enhance my knowledge and at the same time help me to recover all my boredism factor.
Let's do some official essay about reading. Start with the thesis statement, reading will help the brain to absorb more knowledge that will boost the readers to understand better depending on what type reading material that person reads. Obviously, if you read porno stuff the only thing you gain will be "The right skill of Kamasutra" which in my own opinion have no literally use for daily life information. I love the way my parents treat me, since I was a kid they don't really encourage me to watch television a lot since on that time computer were too expensive compare to now but they support me by reading. As I can recall, since I was 3years old they push me to read all kind of materials with different author to make me think out of the box. Sound pretty cool, but I don't use the advantage wisely so I end up loosing myself for a while when I was a teen before getting back on my feet again. I have few authors that caught my attention and mostly are chic-flick novels author such as Cecilia Ahern, Nicholas Sparks, Jean Echenoz and others. Ironically if you ask me, what will be my favorite book to kill the time and I will definitely say without any doubt; "The Chicken Soup for The Soul" by Jack Canfield. I love real stories with real people and when the actually reveal their own experience. It's quite amusing for me to put my imagination on their experience and at the same time to feel the same shoes their wearing. My most favorite Chicken Soup collection would probably the Father and Daughter collection when I imagine myself the bond between the father and me and I cried hard every page I read it. It's remind me the strong bond between me and my dad that can't live with each other but too ego to admit it. Hehe, yeah I'm kind of girl that have been treated like boys in my young age and have a huge ego like a man. So where-never I have to discuss anything with my dad, my mum have to be in that room to avoid headbanging towards each other. LOL it's exaggerated people, obviously it won't be to that extend.
My point today, is to encouraged people to start reading. Read the good quality books that you will earn something good at the end of it. Much better if you can share them to others and make it as a good example for better life. Sound's so motivational but hopefully it boost you to make at least a small move on reading.

source: Google image.

Insyallah we will meet again,
Ain Afiqah Ab Rahman.

Monday Blues.

Phuket trip: 12 February 2012 till 16 February 2012

"The reason why I wake up with a smile every morning; my dearest parents. Alhamdulillah, I'm faithful with the life I have and I'm blessed with unconditional love from them."

Reminiscing the memory lane.

"You make wanna love, you make me wanna fall, you make me wanna surrender my soul"

I'm turning 23 this years, it's a pretty big number at least for me. But it's still long way to go, and lot's of thing to be catch up in order to discover what life really mean. Have you ever cross when some songs that been played in your iPod reflect to how old you are specifically when the songs were currently blooming. It's not a bad feeling, but it's like a slap on your face how far you've been. I was grown up listening to Britney Spears, BLUE, 911, N'sync and lot's more to go. Yeah basically I'm a 90's babies. The time when were all the band-boy really hit the charts and Britney just started her career.
There's one song really captured my attention, since I keep replayed the song again and again. It's a song called "U Make Me Wanna" by BLUE and if I'm not mistaken this song were on hit in early 2000 or somewhere around that. Sorry for the lack of information on that but that it's not I wanna share about. I wanna share about how songs really make a huge impact on me.
Listening to this song, reminds me on what I have been through. The upside down, the lost identity, the confused about future and last but not least boys. Boys? Sound like quite number right? But nah, I'm not that kind of girl having a collection numbers of boyfriends while in high-school. I'm kinda nerd back then plus I'm don't really know how to dress up well. 
Back in high-school, I don't really have much guy friends compare to now since I was in girls school and my parents were pretty strict on that time. But things change when I get to know this guy, we become bestfriend and after high-school we declared as couple. It's actually my rules not to declare anything while I'm still stuck with SPM nightmare.So he waited, till we finally breathe out from SPM and the declaration become open. I know, it's funny since it's a "puppy love" on that time.
Amazingly this "puppy love" really change my perspective about love, boys, and life. Yeah, we been holding on together for quite some years till it become serious after we entered college life. Sometimes, what we expect may turn out badly from the way we always wanted. After log years having each other, we finally end it in harsh way which really effects me mentally and emotionally. I never thought broken heart will lead me this bad and affect all the good part of life on that time. Pretty stupid, but I still remember someone said to me "the first cut always the deepest" and I'm totally agreed with that quotes.
After all years backing up, and fight for my future I'm back on track but this "puppy love" drama have traumatized me. Maybe for some people it may be bad way but for me I took it as a good positive side to be a better person. I don't avoiding boys or hating relationship till that extends but I learn to preserved my heart for the one that really deserved to have it, which I gradually named the lucky guy as husband. LOL
I know, it's sound too fantasy but I'm kind of girl that believe in fairy-tales and true love. As time goes by, I learn a lot about relationship, about people come and go, life drama and sort of. Lemme crack your head easily, I'm 23 and still single. It's my choice and I'm proud of it. I preserved my heart just to love my husband. As for husband here, I mean as a guy that can lead me to Jannah, love me and our future kids with all his heart, be my kids and me caliph to Allah's pleasure, be a good Imam to the family, wonderful leader and help each other to be a better servants for Allah. He doesn't have to be perfect, and there's no perfectionist except Allah Taala'.
I hope I'm not asking too much because I believe "good man are created for good woman". I understand, I have done some sins back in the past and I know I still lack of knowledge in Islam but Insyallah with Allah's will I'm willing to learn to be a better Muslim.

*p/s: I'm sorry I can't recall the source of this du'a

Insyallah we will meet again,
Ain Afiqah Ab Rahman.