Saturday, 28 April 2012

Aku hanya mampu berteleku di jalanMu.

Senyumlah walahpun pahit kerana senyum itu juga satu sedekah.

Simpan segala kepedihan hanya untuk dirimu kerana percaya pada qada's dan qadar, Allah sudah menulis jalan terbaik untuk dirimu. Telan segala kesengsaraan kerana Allah tahu kamu kuat untuk tempuhi segala dugaan. Setiap ranjau ada jalan penyelesaian dan setiap perit ada ubat menanti. Sabar, itu janji Allah pada setiap hambaNya. Menangislah sepuasnya, andai itu dapat menenangkan hatimu. Tundukkan pandanganmu andai itu membantu kamu menjadi diri kamu yang sebenarnya.
Sesungguhnya Allah itu Maha Adil, jadi tetapkanlah hati untuk tegar meneruskan cita-cita dan harapan. Kuatkan imanmu dan jangan sesekali menyesali apa yang tertulis di Loh Mahfuz untukmu.
Rahsiakan suara hatimu agar kamu tidak menyakiti orang lain sama ada secara sengaja atau tidak. 

Ya Allah, andai ini jalan terbaik buatku. Aku redha walau saat ini aku hanya mampu menangis di sejadahmu mengharapkan esok lebih baik dari semalam. 

Till we meet again Insyallah,
Ain Afiqah Ab Rahman.

Keep smiling and let your heart drive you for better.

Keep breathing, keep smiling, keep calm, keep focus and keep your heart closer to Allah.

There's a time when things doesn't work the way you want and it crush you badly till you loose hope to stand by your feet. You will never know what broken heart will lead you despair but with Allah you know you will survive. How can you lie to yourself about something that means the world to you? But remember life is part of growing up process, you may cry now but one fine day when time heal everything you will feel better and have the life you always imagine. The time when everytime you breathe there's a big hole feeling stuck inside and all you can do is keep yourself calm and keep writing.

Yes, I'm crying hard and keep saying to myself Allah have a better plan for me. Yes, I wish my mum were at my side during hard time but I know this world doesn't revolve around me so I just can keep my heart strong and go on with life. There's a light of happiness behind every rain of sadness.

I'm in a deep of missing,

Let me share one of my favorite song at the moment,

Till then we meet again Insyallah,
Ain Afiqah Ab Rahman.

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Cinta berpaksikan Allah.

Cinta itu adalah fitrah manusia yang diberi untuk memupuk kasih sayang sesama manusia namun sedarkah kesucian cinta itu telah dicemari oleh manusia itu sendiri?

Cinta telah disalah ertikan sebagai tiket kebahagiaan dan membelakangi Islam itu sendiri. Cinta di pupuk untuk ke lembah terhina dan merendahkan keindahan yang diberi oleh Allah semata-mata untuk nafsu. Murahnya cinta di mata manusia kini sehingga tiada perasaan malu untuk bercanda dan maksiat dibina untuk keseronokan dunia yang hakiki.
Perempuan memilih teman lelaki dari suami dengan alasan belum bersedia. Sedarkah saham akhirat yang dibina hanya kerana diri menolak untuk menerima tanggungjawab yang lebih mulia dimata Allah? Sesungguhnya Allah memuliakan para isteri dengan menjaminkan nikmat syurga dengan hanya berbakti sepenuh hati dan perasaan pada lelaki yang bergelar suami.
Ke hulu ke hilir bersama, berdampingan bagai lipas kudung, berjalan bersama bagai suami isteri yang sah tanpa sekelumit rasa bersalah pada Allah yang melihat dan lebih menyedihkan menggunakan isu duit untuk tidak segera membina masjid. Bukankah rezeki Allah ada dimana-mana? Mengapa perlu sempitkan pemikiran demi arus kemodenan yang menjurus ke arah neraka? Moden itu adalah cara hidup, namun dosa pahala adalah sesuatu yang pasti.
Allah memberi segala nikmat kepada wanita yang mengangkat darjat suaminya lebih dari dirinya sendiri, bukankah itu lebih manis.

Islam itu mudah dan praktikal, pilihlah jalan kebenaran kerana akhirat itu nyata dan dunia hanyalah pinjaman.
Hidup ini indah untuk diterokai andai kita dijalan yang diredhai olehNya.

"HARAM mengambil seorang wanita sebagai kekasih jika bukan niat untuk mengahwininya" - Uztaz Azhar Idrus 

sources: Google image.

Till we meet again Insyallah,
Ain Afiqah Ab Rahman.

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Beyond Allah, parents and life partner.

Salam everyone,
it's been a tough week and Alhamdulillah I still survive but I'm not satisfied with my effort yet. It seems I haven't give my 100% potential and worst scenario I have a massive homesick.
It's a been a while since I left home, not left for good but left to further my dream. I know Allah have a better plan for me but I can't lie myself how much I love to have my parents company. It's not being clingy or any but I enjoyed sharing my day with them, make decisions together and spend all the quality time perfectly. Yeah, either I want it or not I have to admit the nature of life, they're getting old and yes I want to spend all my heart and soul totally with them.
I'm not being childish but deep inside I know they can feel I'm growing up and one fine day I'm gonna be literally detached from them by married to a guy and start my own family. It's not easy but that's the price of life, but I'm glad day by day we get closer more and more. The best feeling in the world when you get to interact everyday with your parents and keep them closer to your heart. I love the way they make me feel special and I enjoy their compliment. I have heard from some friends when they said to me "If you wanna see the real pain of life see your parents faces while their sleeping. That's the time you can see the truth and you will feel how life have changed you up." There's a time I make an effort to spare some nights with them and only Allah's know how guilty I am for behaving bad towards them before. I know I can't turn back time but I know I can ask from Allah and pray nothing but the best for them.

"Remember there's a time we grown up and we will find our own soul-mate that complete our day better but remind yourself about your parents too. They are getting old and they need our attention too. Never priorities your partner beyond Allah and your parents, make your partner be after them. Insyallah you will have a barakah's life, because Jannah's is in your mum's feet not on your partner until she's married then it change to husband. Don't get me wrong, I don't put any point saying that having partner is wrong because it's nature of life but put Allah and your parents first. Allah always with you when everyone left you alone and parents always there to give you the best they could and love you unconditionally since the first day you were welcome to this world. Spare some time with them, like you finding an effort for your partner, cherished every moment with joy because where never you make them happy with smile on their face Allah will rewards you with 'pahala',  be there for them because either you remember or not when you were little they always there for you, knee down and pray to Allah for them because they always ask the best for you, don't be stingy on spending to them because remember when you still living with them every wants and needs they try to fulfill by sacrifice their owns and served your parents while they still alive because you will never have another parents once they are gone to meet Allah forever."

5th November 2011- Tanjung Tuan Beach Resort, Port Dickson

For my beloved parents- have a safe journey to cherished your 24th anniversary to Uzbekistan honeymoon. May you always be in Allah's care, take care and enjoy your holiday. I love you always and hope to hear from you both soon. 

Till we meet again Insyallah,
Ain Afiqah Ab Rahman.

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Wanita yang melahirkanku.

Salam mama,
Hadiah buat mama di hari lahirmu,
titipan doa di setiap sujudku pada yang Maha Esa,
hanya ini yang mampu diberi disaat jiwa ini masih di tanggung olehmu dan ayah,
ingatan ikhlas dari lubuk hati demi wanita yang memperdagangkan nyawa hanya untuk memberi peluang kepadaku untuk merasa nikmat dunia,
semoga Allah sentiasa bersamamu mama,
cinta yang diberi tidak akan sama dengan kasih sayangmu,
semoga Allah panjangkan umurmu dan beri peluang pada jiwa kerdil ini untuk berbakti pada hari tuamu.

Selamat hari jadi ke 51 buat mama, Rokiah Haji Mohamed.

Ikhlas dari anakmu,
Ain Afiqah Ab Rahman.

"Ya Allah kau berikanlah kebahagiaan yang hakiki kepada kedua ibubapaku, berkatilah hidup mereka, bahagiakan mereka seperti mana mereka bahagiakan ku dari kecil sampai sekarang, permudahkan segala urusan mereka, lindungilah mereka dari perasaan hasad dengki; bencana; atau apa sahaja yang mampu memberi kesan buruk pada mereka, tetapkan imaan mereka kepadamu, ampunkan segala dosa-dosa mereka, dan andai satu hari nanti mereka pergi menemuimu tempatkan mereka di Jannah terbaikmu, payungi mereka dengan kasih sayangMu, sihatkan tubuh badan mereka untuk sujud kepadaMu, kekalkan cahaya kebahagiaan kami sekeluarga, berikan aku peluang untuk berbakti kepada mereka, dan bantu aku untuk menjadi anak solehah dan kekalkan hati kami untuk tetap berada di jalanMu" Ameen.

Lara sebuah ceritera manusia.

"Rapuh sungguh perasaanmu anak muda, kuatkan semangatmu dan tetapkan impianmu. Dunia Allah luas, segala cabaran ada jalan penyelesaiannya."

Pada saat hati hanya mampu menangisi kesilapan lalu dan minda hanya mampu mengucapkan perasaan sabar. Cabaran yang bertimpa ada kalanya memesongkan semangat dan menghidupkan kekesalan yang pasti. Bait-bait kata hanya mampu dipandang kosong tanpa sebarang jawapan yang pasti, kerana jiwa terlalu rapuh untuk berdiri atas dasar kesilapan lampau. Bertubi-tubi penyesalan yang menyesakkan dada hanya mampu untuk menghirup sisa-sisa tenaga yang tinggal. Terduduk di pinggir sejadah berteleku memohon kemaafan, kemaafan hakiki dari Maha Pencipta yang dilupakan selama ini. Kesedaran yang menggoyahkan pendirian demi ingin membina secebis iman di dada. Titisan-titisan mutiara gugur, dan meleraikan kekusutuan yang selama menghantui benak fikiran atas kebodohan sendiri. Semoga Allah sentiasa bersamanya, hanya dia yang pasti dan dialah yang paling memahami.

Ya Allah,
ampunkan segala dosa-dosaku,
berikan aku peluang untuk menjadi khalifah terpilihMU,
tunjukkan aku jalan kebenaran,
jalan yang diredhai olehMU,
sesungguhnya aku manusia hina yang menumpang di nikmatMU,
sucikan hati ini dari landasan kehinaan,
tetapkan imanku hanya untukMU,
kuatkan semangatku untuk berjihad keranaMU,
titipkan pandanganku dari segala punca kezinaan,
terimalah taubatku,
sesungguhnya aku tidak layak ke syurga indahMU,
tapi aku tidak sanggup ke neraka jahanamMU,
terima sujud pasrah sesalanku,
hati ini hanya milik mutlak untukMU.

Till then we meet again Insyallah,
Ain Afiqah Ab Rahman.

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Smile and keep holding on to the dreams.

Alhamdulillah, I feel blessed with all this happiness and faithful with all the gifts that been given to me all this years. It never been easy to maintain it, but it never turn impossible to keep it. Everytime I feel low I know I can count on them plus I strongly believe and know Allah always with me. Masyallah, let's embrace for good thing and be better Muslim in future. (Easter break 2012)

Mama's small advance birthday ceremony in BBQ Chicken in One Utama; 080412

Friday, 13 April 2012

Quotes of Wisdom, Day 4.

For truly, with patience comes victory, and with difficulty relief follows close behind -(Aaidh ibn Abdullah al-Qarni)

Behind every names, there's a wonderful meaning.

I have been hiatus for quite some time, due to study loads and busy balancing life. Alhamdulillah, everything seems smooth even there's a rocky road I have to face it. I'm at home currently; happily well feed, be in my comfy room but kinda dusty since we have small construction for smooth convenient in future. While spending my time reading books (obviously far away from reading my study text), I found good Islamic Name for babies from my mum's collection. Yeah I have this weird hobby, collecting names for future babies which Insyallah I will have them one fine day.

Discussing with mama, she prefer's name with Islamic meaning yet still unique, Arabic's type of name and definitely good meaning behind. Me and mama, slightly dislike most Malay's name because for us there's no point having good name without deep Islamic meaning because every name carries du'a about that particular person.

As for my name "Ain Afiqah" it means 'eyes of glory' which implied to me as I have to give my very best to suits my name together with the meaning. I have questions parents; why there prefer calling me 'Afiqah' instead of 'Ain'; simple because 'Afiqah' means glory which both my parents wants me to be the best and achieving the dreams. Masyallah; thank you Allah for giving me wonderful parents that always call me the best by just naming me.

There's such numerous name that caught my attention after shortlisted few of them into my notebook. Some of them sounds catchy and sound very English. As for my opinion a name; should be simple short and meaningful to be called. Plus I still prefer 2 names; like mine "Ain" for my first name, "Afiqah" for my middle name and "Ab Rahman" will be my last name and it's my dad's name. I believe some people prefer long and more characters or even just one name to be completed, it actually depends on that person and his/her partners.

Since me and "Mr Future Husband" haven't been married legally, choosing name for babies are just to delay my spare time at home. I hope he likes it, since it have beautiful meaning inside. I know, for some Malays the name that I choose might sound weird or maybe not their cup of tea but I believe a good name with good Islamic guidance for life by the parents Insyallah the kids will grow up to be a good Muslim.

Some people might ask, why I choose Arabic's name that hardly been used by Malay's community since Malays-Muslim also have good list of wonderful name with good meanings. My answer were simple, I love being Malays but I want my daughters and sons to be unique; stand up for their dreams and proud to be their-self without trying to be somebody else so that's why I choose Arabic's( name start with letter U which hardly to see many Malays used it but in future I'm not sure about that fact). Meaning; proud of their names, and achieve their dreams in their own ways because they want it not because people on their surrounding force them to do it.

sources; Google image

As for my sons;
Umar Miyaz - Name of the 2nd Khalifah and excellent.
Uwais Mikael - Giving and one of Allah's angel.

As for the daughters;
Lana Marissa - Soft and pride.
Layla Maysa - Dark beauty and walking with pride.

Insyallah; when the time come all this will turn into reality. Keep praying to Allah as hoping the plan will be done smoothly.

Till then we meet again Insyallah,
Ain Afiqah Ab Rahman.